Balance of Epic Moments
Balance... The balance of all in life, good/bad, pleasure/pain, new life/loss and so it goes on. Epic (by the way my favorite word to discrib these moments) as it may be they change you, sometimes they can rock you to the core other times they jostle u a bit and move on. I am not any different or special then the next with my life's journey, its just my journey. Dealing and coping maybe the hardest part for me, easy for some hard for others. Sometimes leaving me with the question of "who am I now" instead of reaching to where some feel comfort with "I will not let this change who I am". But is it really that easy? Am I just making my epic moments rule as I take a back seat? You will find I go back and forth to times in my life that rocked me to the core and I still have aftershocks from those moments in time. Loss seems to have rocked me to the inner most part of my being. I call them my D's, losses of ones I have loved with all of me & was close to and...