
Showing posts from July, 2011

Bloggin After Dark........

Bloggin in the night. Bloggin in the darkness. If you only knew me. If you only knew what I could really offer. My heart could beat for you. My body could keep rhythm just for you. But I will shield that from you. I can't go back to where I was. Can't stumble to what was. I will keep it under wraps. I will stay behind my disguise. You will see what I want you to see. As I twist inside and I wait. If you could only know. Brush my hair from my face. Lean in and kiss me so tenderly. Wait! No! Not yet! I am me and I won't go back to that place. Not now. Not just yet. I hurt, my heart aches, I cling to the solace in just me. I got it bad, but its only for me to know..... Keep it to myself.... If you could just see what u mean to me and what I could mean to you, what I actually meant to u at one time. Maybe? Someday? Bloggin in the dark.... Bloggin in the darkness..... I say what I mean but I say it only to me... Can't break that wall just yet..... Someday