
Showing posts from 2012

Just Thoughts

Wrote this awhile back but sharing now: They say when you are at your darkest right around the corner is light. But at times it feels like I can see it but as I reach it slips away. Not thinking morbid or anything lets get that established now. I mean with all that has been tossed my way, especially lately I kinda want that happy train to roll on back into town. I have realized that I need to be the one to give me that. I can't depend on anyone for my happiness. But it seems so easy to want to say f*** it and slip back into that same routine. The comfort level is there but happiness is not. Two become one? Grow together? More like 1 split into 2 now and grew apart. My heart tired and battered from all the crap and all the lies. Being honest is the only way. What is the theme of this epic moment or shall I say epic downfall? "Descending" yeah that's a good song for it, a bit of me and a bit of you all rolled into one...... "Your all I've ever known. So hard